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- Removed Simple mode
- Changed no-internet message
- Enabled maximize for Simple mode
- Made it not delete files while game is running, so that it doesn't mess up anything and complies with the rules
- Added an icon
- Added a Simple mode (as requested by Resp)
- Added an experimental Fast Profiles thing, it loads the profile you select
- Fixed quite a few bugs
- It's a Christmas present!
- Added "Delete Profile" button
- Removed the profile duplication glitch/feature
- Changed the FPS patch to one Koops made for me (thanks, if it doesn't work download this)
- Added version info of launcher for updating stuff
- Added something that is kind of like an easter egg but you can't really find it unless I will want you to, in which case everybody will find it
- Added Profiles (read more on the documentation page)
- Fixed minor bugs and cleaned code a lot
- Increased the limit of saves to 100
- Made loading and saving HP2GUI.ini data much better, this will fix a few bugs and was necessary for Profiles
- Made first-time setup a bit easier (if you've never launched the game before)
- Moved HP2GUI save info to appdata to avoid problems
- Wait, I fixed a funny problem last time but it's not fixed, it's code is not even there anymore? Fixed the funny problem...
- Added a NONE GSTATE that is ONLY to be used when starting a new game for speedrunning!
- Added a message when somebody clicks on the "Can't connect to rebane2001.com" text
- Made sure that FPS fix will be for Win8 in text
- Made error messages more detiled
- Fixed a funny problem
- Fixed a bug when loading multiple savepacks
- Changed Editor thingy to not only support Koops', but any editor. Just choose the exe file you want :)
- Fixed a critical GSTATE bug introduced in the previous update. I had a reason why empty GSTATE wasn't allowed, but I forgot it and added it anyway
- Added support for Koops' HP2 Editor
- Added the ability to launch the original launcher in the settings menu
- Added automatic detection of missing save files (eg when playing first time) to prevent bad stuff
- Added Fullscreen Fix FPS option that actually works into the settings menu (for those who get good fps in Windowed but bad in Fullscreen)
- Added more comments to code in case I somehow forget what my code does (also cleanup)
- Added empty GAMESTATE for the game to decide itself
- Added savepack support
- Moved some stuff into settings
- Fixed gremmar error in "Update to vX availabe!" label
- Turned Path Settings into overall HP2GUI settings
- Removed the Fix FPS option as it wasn't fully developed
- Added Window Location - You can make the HP2 window automatically go to a certain location. In the dialog that opens, you can set the X and Y of the HP2 Window. You also need to set the time in seconds. Using the "Set the thingy" button lets you position a fake window just like you would position the real HP2 window. Please note that the resolution of your game must match the one on the mainscreen (in most cases it does). This feature is not perfect and it was hard to get it working correctly (over 100 lines and many hours)
- Added Rictucheckra - Rictucheckra gives you a warning if you are going to overwrite a save which has progressed past the Rictusempra challenge, preventing unwanted save overwrites
- Added an Always on top option. It makes the program be on top of all other ones, great with the "Hide program while game is running" option
- Added a Fix FPS option. It, in some cases, fixes low performance. You should rarely have to use it
- Made the website stuff match my main site. While it isn't anything special it looks much better now
- Changelog page now has the download links above
- Made some adjustments for the program to be more pixel perfectly aligned
- Removed the Fix Graphics option
- Removed the useless feature that used to get ran by clicking on the thumbnail
- Added a DELETE SAVE function on New Game to fix the ronless (Ron doesn't spawn) glitch
- Added an update check
- Added a link to my site
- Made the AutoHide come back faster
- Moved by rebane2001 text
- Fixed GAMESTATE selector not getting disabled
- Added a GAMESTATE selector
- Fixed additional launchoptions not being saved
- Fixed Debug mode checkbox not getting checked even when Debug mode was on