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HP2GUI is a powerful tool for Harry Potter 2 PC, a launcher with loads of extra features
You can download it from here
If the program doesn't run, download and install this
If the fps fix doesn't work, download and install this
HP2GUI is much faster to use than the original launcher
This here is just a quick guide, so be sure to check the FAQ/Documentation link below
So you launch the launcher for the first time, you might get an error, which requires you to correct the Game path
You might also receive a request to generate some files, I recommend you to do so
You arrive on the main window of the program, scared by the options
If you don't like some stuff about the launcher itself, you can change it in the Settings
For speedrunning, set the level to PrivetDr.unr and the GSTATE thing to NONE
If you load any other levels/maps, make sure to change the GSTATE to GSTATE000 or something, that feature doesn't work all that well anyways
On the right, set your resolution and choose if you want the game windowed, if you're going to play in non-4:3 resolutions, increase or decrease the FOV accordingly
You can also click on WLocation to choose where the HP2 window will appear once launced
The slot thing chooses the saveslot used and the white box is for launch options
Turn on Del Save and turn off Load Game if you want to start a new game, when you want to load a game, just check the Load Game checkbox
To avoid accidental save deletion, you can also turn on Rictucheckra
That is basically it, click the Launch button to launch the game, if you have any questions, check the documentation and e-mail me
For FAQ and more detiled documentation CLICK HERE! (reading that is highly recommended)
For older versions and changelog CLICK HERE!
For savepacks CLICK HERE!

Contact me through harrypotter@rebane2001.com
If you would like to request a feature, submit a bug, donate or something, please email me.
Made for fellow hp2 players, especially Respirte